
Technology And Ramblings

jiav, An Auto Verification Tool For Jira

Tags: #jira #python


If you do not have access to a Jira instance, you can refer to jiav's Documentation - Getting Started to setup a self-hosted development Jira instance.

Introduction To jiav

jiav (Jira Issue Auto Verification) is a Python tool that aims to provide an auto verification workflow for Jira issues.

Users provide a YAML-formatted comment in Jira issues, and the tool will execute it. On successful execution, the issue will move to the desired status.

jiav aims to support both on-prem (Jira Datacenter) and cloud versions.


Installing jiav

jiav repository is hosted on GitHub and distributed via PyPI.

The binary can be installed from remote using pip:

pip3 install jiav

Or pipx:

pipx install jiav

jiav Internals

Automated Verification Workflow

jiavJiraUserjiavJiraUserPost ManifestInvokeAuthenticateLook For Valid ManifestsReturn Valid ManifestsExecute ManifestsUpdate Issue


A jiav manifest contains information about the steps to execute during the verification workflow and the desired verified status after a successful execution.

An example of a simple manifest which will verify issue(s) based on a status of a given Jira issue:

  verified_status: "Done"
    - name: "Check for feature completion"
      backend: "jira_issue"
      issue: "MYPROJECT-20"
      status: "Done"

For more detailed information regarding the manifest, refer to jiav’s Documentation - Overview - Manifest.


Backends in jiav represent distinct methods of executing user-defined logic.
Each backend performs actions that are part of the verification workflow.

jiav ships with the following backends:

Developers are able to extend jiav with custom backends, refer to jiav’s Documentation - Developing Backends

Example of external jiav backends:


After installing the jiav binary, you can access help information by using the --help option.

Validate Local Manifests

Before publishing a manifest in Jira issue(s), we can validate that our given manfiest is valid and will be executed by jiav:

  1. Create a local file containing a manifest:

    touch /tmp/path_to_temp_manifest.yaml
  2. Populate /tmp/path_to_temp_manifest.yaml with content:

      verified_status: "Done"
        - name: "Check for feature completion"
          backend: "jira_issue"
          issue: "MYPROJECT-20"
          status: "Done"
  3. Validate manifest:

    jiav validate-manifest -f /tmp/path_to_temp_manifest.yaml

    On a successful validation, we will recieve a confirmation:

    [16:37:10] INFO     File content:
                          verified_status: "Done"
                            - name: "Check for feature completion"
                              backend: "jira_issue"
                              issue: "MYPROJECT-20"
                              status: "Done"
    [16:37:10] INFO     Provided YAML is valid

    On a failed validation, we will recieve a validation error:

    [16:41:15] INFO     File content:
                          verified_status: "Done"
                            - name: "Check for feature completion"
                              backend: "jira_issue"
                              issue: "MYPROJECT-20"
                              status: "Done"
    [16:41:15] ERROR    'jiav' is a required property
                        Failed validating 'required' in schema:
                            {'type': 'object',
                             'required': ['jiav'],
                             'properties': {'jiav': {'type': 'object',
                                                     'required': ['verified_status',
                                                     'properties': {'verification_steps': {'type': 'array'},
                                                                    'verified_status': {'type': 'string'}}}}}
                        On instance:
                            {'jiavE': {'verified_status': 'Done',
                                       'verification_steps': [{'name': 'Check for feature '
                                                               'backend': 'jira_issue',
                                                               'issue': 'MYPROJECT-20',
                                                               'status': 'Done'}]}}
    [16:41:15] ERROR    Provided manifest is not valid

Verify Issues

Verify a single issue on a cloud hosted Jira instance:

  1. Post a manifest as a comment in the browser:

      verified_status: "Done"
        - name: "Check bash is a valid shell"
          backend: "lineinfile"
          path: "/etc/shells"
          path: "bash"
  2. Verify issue from public comments (this example assumes your cloud instance requires authentication):

    jiav verify --jira "<JIRA_CLOUD_INSTANCE_URL>" -u "<JIRA_CLOUD_INSTANCE_USERNAME>" -a "<JIRA_CLOUD_API_TOKEN>" -i "<JIRA_CLOUD_ISSUE>" --allow-public-comments

    If the manfiest was executed successfully, and the desired verified_status is a valid transition:

    [17:48:12] INFO     Valid manifest was found in issue '<JIRA_CLOUD_ISSUE>'
    [17:48:12] INFO     Manifest was executed successfully
    [17:48:12] INFO     Posted a comment in '<JIRA_CLOUD_ISSUE>'
    [17:48:12] INFO     Updated status for '<JIRA_CLOUD_ISSUE>'
                                   Verified Issues
      Issue                Summary                Status     Assignee     Reporter     Comments

    If the manifest failed to execute:

    [17:48:12] INFO     Valid manifest was found in issue '<JIRA_CLOUD_ISSUE>'
    [17:48:12] INFO     Manifest has failed to execute
    [17:48:12] INFO     No issues were verified

For more detailed information refer to jiav’s Documentation - User Guide.


To follow this exmaple, feel free to create a development Jira instance mentioned at the top of the blog post.

  1. Create an API token (for cloud instances) or a PAT (for on-prem instances). Jira instance personal tokens

  2. Ensure you have a project created.
    Access the project’s issue workflow to view possible transitions: Jira project’s issue workflow transitions

  3. Create an issue (if required).
    You can also update the issue’s status based to a status that can be transitioned to the desired state: Jira initial issue details

  4. Post a comment in a Jira instance. If your instance supports “private” comments, it is recommended to use it. jiav comment

    Ensure your comment was posted. jiav posted comment

  5. Execute jiav binary to verify the issue.

    jiav verify --jira "" -a "<TOKEN_FROM_STEP_1>" -i "EXAMPLE-1"

    On a successful exection:

    [17:48:11] INFO     Successfully authenticated with Jira instance '' of type 'Server'
    [17:48:12] INFO     Discovered issues: [<JIRA Issue: key='EXAMPLE-1', id='10000'>]
    [17:48:12] INFO     Looking at issue 'EXAMPLE-1'
    [17:48:12] INFO     Valid manifest was found in issue 'EXAMPLE-1'
    [17:48:12] INFO     Manifest was executed successfully
    [17:48:12] INFO     Posted a comment in 'EXAMPLE-1'
    [17:48:12] INFO     Updated status for 'EXAMPLE-1'
                                   Verified Issues
      Issue       Summary                Status   Assignee   Reporter   Comments
      EXAMPLE-1   Check Bash Is Usable   Done     admin      admin      2
  6. Revisit Jira issue in the browser to ensure that the issues was verified. Jira issue updated status

Final Notes

In this blog post we covered a minimal basic scenario of jiav.
This tool can be utilized to perform more advanced verification workflows.

Refer to the documentation and GitHub repository for more details.

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